• ACH Audit


    ACH Audit


    Every Third-Party Sender/Service Provider, Financial Institution, and other entity is required by NACHA to conduct an annual audit of its ACH operations and pertinent procedures. Our NACHA-certified ACH Auditors are highly skilled professionals with operational, auditing, and financial institution experience. An ACH audit's objective is to find and record problems with ACH operations, and it includes:


    • The validation of NACHA Rule adherence reduces errors, exceptions, and the risk of fines.
    • Efficient procedures for lowering risks and liabilities
    •  A comprehensive and detailed, straightforward audit report with suggested modifications for problems found and a template for management responses.
    Explore more audit options available to you at TrinIT;
  • The Scope of Work

    • Our rules-based ACH Audit reviews all aspects of your company's processing to ensure compliance with the latest ACH rules and regulations.

    • Every engagement is customized to fit your individual requirements.

    • Virtual and in-person audits are available.