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    BSA Audit


    Every year, businesses must perform an independent evaluation of their BSA program. Because the fines for non-compliance are high, savvy firms understand the value of enlisting outside expertise to guarantee compliance with BSA rules. Our auditors have extensive training, ACAMS certification, and operational and auditing expertise in financial institutions and FinTechs. The BSA audit aims to determine the particular risks an organization faces in relation to BSA and to analyze how those risks are handled and controlled.


    Measures taken include:

    • A detailed, practical audit report with recommendations for fixing problems found and a template for management responses.
    • Reviewing the risk analysis of the organization’s services and products.
    • Evaluating internal controls.
    • Reviewing the written AML/BSA/OFAC Program.
    • Implementing best practices that help reduce risk and liabilities.
    • A detailed, practical audit report with recommendations for fixing problems found and a template for management responses.
    Explore more audit options for you at TrinIT;
  • The Scope of Work

    • Our BSA Audit reviews all aspects of your company's BSA/AML program to ensure compliance with the latest BSA regulatory requirements.

    • Every engagement is customized to fit your individual requirements.

    • Virtual and in-person audits are available.