• Deposit compliance audit

    Deposit Compliance 



    Compliance issues with your deposit program are found during a deposit compliance audit in conformance with federal regulations. The reviews listed below can be carried out singly or collectively:

    • Reg E (Electronic Funds Transfer Act)
    • Reg DD ( Truth in Savings Act)
    • Reg CC (Expedited Funds Availability).

    To ensure that your needs will be met, time limitations are taken into account, and reports are delivered on time, the specifics of the engagement will be reviewed during discovery. A thorough, actionable audit report includes risk-based data in plain-English language and style, suggested fixes for problems found, and a Management Response Template.


    Explore more audit options available for you at TrinIT;

  • The Scope of Work

    • Our Deposit Compliance Audit adheres to regulatory requirements and best practices.

    • Every engagement is customized to fit your individual requirements.

    • Virtual and in-person audits are available.